CCC keyboard Shortcuts Abbreviations and Terminological Study
Detail knowledge about keyboard button and the function of each key is a must for a student for examination, practical and day to day work. Without knowing keyboard functions, it is nearly impossible for a user to complete his/her work smoothly and effectively.
Here, keyboard buttons and their functions are discussed-
F1-F12 : Functions key : These keys act according to operating system. Mainly we use these keys for printing, Saving, repeat last action etc. | ||
Tab | Tab key | Tab key is used the cursor forward/ set point. |
Shift | Shift key | Used for upper case of alphabet. |
Caps Lock | Caps Lock | It also used for upper case of alphabet. |
Alt | Alt (AlterNet) key | Is is located both side of spacebar. It used with another key as discussed in key board shortcuts. |
Backspace | Backspace key | Used to delete and alphabet/character before the current position |
Delete | Delete key | It is used to delete the alphabet/character after the current position. |
Enter | Enter key | This key is used as return key. It is used for next line. Several other uses are discussed in next heading (key board shortcuts). |
Prt Scrn | Print Screen key | Used to print screen image. |
Scroll Lock | Scroll Lock key | It used to stop the scrolling of the text temporally. |
Pause | Pause key | It used to stop the action of the program being run temporarily .We can able to work after pressing pause than again. |
Insert | Insert key | This key allows text to be inserted. |
End | End | Used to return End of the line. |
Home | Home key | Used to return to the beginning of the page |
Page Up | Page up key | Used to move up of the page. |
Page down | Page down key | Used to move down of the page. |
Num lock | Num lock key | It is used to use the numbers on the keypad after num lock off enable the keys other functions such as using the keypad as an arrow pad etc. |
Esc | Esc key | It is used to cancel action in the progress. |
Space bar | Space bar key | Located in the middle of the alt key and used for blank space. |
Note: it is advisable to practice above Shortcuts keys. |
Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts are very important shortcuts keys are used in MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint. Some important Shortcuts keys and their descriptions are given below. It is advisable that these keys should be practiced.
Microsoft word shortcuts keys and description
Shortcuts keys | Description of shortcuts keys | Shortcuts keys | Description of shortcuts keys |
CTRL + A | Select all the content of the MS word of document Page. | CTRL + T | It create a hanging indent of the line or text |
CTRL + B | Bold the highlighted selections. | CTRL + U | Underlining the highlighted text. |
CTRL + C | Copy selected text. | CTRL + V | Paste the selected text/word/line coped earlier. |
| Aligns the line/selected text to the center. | CTRL + X | Cut selected text. |
CTRL + F | Open find box | CTRL +Y | You can redo the last action performed |
CTRL + G | Go to | CTRL +S | Save |
CTRL + H | Replace | CTRL +Z | You can undo the last action |
CTRL + I | Italic highlighted selection | CTRL +1 | Single space line of the text |
CTRL + J | Aligns the line/selected text for justifying | CTRL +2 | Double space lines spacing of the text. |
CTRL + L | Insert the hyperlink | CTRL +5 | One and half line spacing of the text. |
CTRL + L | Aligns the line/selected text to left of the screen | CTRL + Shift +L | Quickly create a bullet point. |
CTRL + M | Indent the paragraphs | CTRL + Shift +F | Quickly change the font. |
CTRL + N | Blank new document | CTRL + Shift + > | To increase the font size of the selected text or line |
CTRL + O | Open window | CTRL + Shift + < | Increase selected font +1 pts up to 12pt and then increase font +2pts |
CTRL + P | It is used for print. It opens the print dialog box. | CTRL + Shift +L | Quickly create a bullet point |
CTRL + R | Aligns the line/ selected text to right of the screen | CTRL + Shift +F | Change the font |
CTRL + T | It creates a hanging indent of the line or text. | CTRL + Shift +D | Used to insert current date. |
CTRL + [ | Decrease selected font | CTRL + Shift +T | Used to insert current time |
CTRL + ] | Increase selected font | ESC | To cancel the current task |
CTRL + Home | Move the cursor to the beginning of the document. | F1 | Used for help |
CTRL + Delete | To delete the word to the right of the cursor | F4 | It is used to repeat the last action |
CTRL + Home | To move the cursor to the beginning of the document | F5 | To open the find, replace and go to |
CTRL + End | To move the cursor to the end of the document | F7 | It is used for spell and grammar check of selected text. |
CTRL + Shift* | Used to show non-printing characters | F12 | To open SAVE AS dialog box. |
CTRL + Shift +F12 | Print the document |
Microsoft excel shortcuts keys and description
Shortcuts keys | Description of shortcuts keys | Shortcuts keys | Description of shortcuts keys |
= | Start of formula | Shift + Tab | Complete a cell entry and move to the left in the selection |
CTRL + D | Fill down | Tab | Complete a cell entry and move to the right in the selection |
CTRL + R | Fill to the right | Shift + enter | Complete a cell entry and move up in the selection |
F2 | Edit the active cell | Enter | Complete a cell entry and move down in the selection |
| Edit the active cell and then clear it, or delete the preceding character in the active cell | CTRL +enter | Fill the selected cell range with the current entry |
F3 | Paste a name into a formula | Shift + home | Selected from the insert point to the beginning of the entry |
CTRL + D | Fill down | Shift + F2 | Edit a cell comment |
CTRL + R | Fill to the right | CTRL + A | Display the formula palette after you type a valid function name in a formula. |
F2 | Used for edit the active cell | Shift +F9 | Calculate the active worksheet |
F3 | Paste a name into a formula | CTRL + B | Apply or remove bold formatting. |
F9 | Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks. | CTRL + I | Apply or remove italic formatting. |
CTRL + F3 | Define a name | CTRL + W | Close the active workbook window |
CTRL + F5 | Restore the active workbook window | Alt + Enter | Start a new him in the Same cell. |
CTRL + F6 | Switch to the next workbook window | F4 | Repeat the last action CTRL + y can be used for this action |
CTRL + F7 | Carryout out the move command (workbook icon menu, menu bar) | Enter | Complete a cell entry |
CTRL + 1 | Display the style command | Delete | it is used to delete the character to the right of the insertion point, or delete the selection |
CTRL + F8 | Carryout the size command (workbook icon menu, menu bar) | CTRL + delete | Delete text to the end of the line |
CTRL + F9 | Minimize the workbook window to an icon | Tab | Complete a cell entry and move to the right in the selection |
CTRL + F10 | Maximize or restore the workbook window | Shift +tab | Complete a cell entry and move to the left in the selection |
Ms power point shortcuts key and description
Shortcuts keys | Description of shortcuts keys | Shortcuts keys | Description of shortcuts keys |
CTRL + A | Select all the content of the ms word page open | CTRL + T | it create a hanging indent of the line or text. |
CTRL + B | Bold the highlighted selections. | CTRL + U | Underlining the highlighted text. |
CTRL + C | Copy selected text | CTRL + V | Paste the selected text/word/line coped earlier. |
CTRL + E | Aligns the line/selected text to the center | CTRL + X | Cut selected text |
CTRL + F | Open find box | CTRL +Y | You can redo the last action performed. |
CTRL + I | Italic highlighted selection | CTRL +Z | You can undo the last action |
CTRL + J | Aligns the line/selected text for justifying | CTRL + N | Used to open new slide. |
CTRL + K | Insert hyperlink | CTRL + F6 | Used to open next window. |
CTRL + L | Aligns the line/selected text to left of the screen | F5 | It is used slide begin. |
CTRL + M | Indent the paragraphs. | B | It used during slide show: black screen show/hide. |
CTRL + A | It used for mouse pointer to arrow. | H | It |
CTRL –P | It is used for mouse pointer to pen during slide show. It is used for print also. | CTRL – H | It is used during slide show to the pointer and button temporary. |
CTRL + L | It is used to hide pointer and button | S | It is used to stop or restart automatic slide show. |
CTRL + P | It opens the print dialog box. | T | It is used to set the timing during rehearsing. |
CTRL + R | F7 | It is used to check spelling and grammar. | |
CTRL + F6 | It is used to switch to the next presentation slide. |
Abbreviations are also important for knowledge and competitive examination. Some important abbreviations are given below:
ABR | Area Boarder Router | ABR | Area Boarder Router |
ADC | Analog-To- Digital Converter | ARC | Advanced Risk Computer |
ADB | Apple Desktop Bus | ASF | Active Streaming Format |
ADE | Automatic Design Engineering | ASP | Active Server Page |
ADO | Active X Data Objects | ATP | At Attachment |
ADSI | Active Directory Service Interfaces | ARPA | Advanced Research Agency Addressing |
AGP | Accelerated Graphics Port | AVI | Audiovisual Interleaving |
AIF | Application Integration Feature | ASG | Abstract Semantic Graph |
AJAX | Asynchronous Java Script And XML | ASIC | Application Specific Integration Circuit |
ALGOL | Algorithmic Language | ASP | Application Service Provider |
ALU | Arithmetic And Logical Unit | ATA | Advanced Technology Attachment’ |
BAR | Base Address Register | BFD | Binary File Descriptor |
BASIC | Beginner’s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code | BGP | Border Gateway Protocol |
BBS | Bulletin Board System | BIN | Binary |
BCD | Binary Coded Decimal | BMP | Bit Map |
BCR | Bar Code Reader | BIOS | Basic Input Output System |
BMP | Basic Multilingual Plane | BOF | Beginning Of File |
BRAN | Broadband Radio Access Network | BOOTP | Bootstrap Protocol |
CAL | Common Application Language | BPI | Bytes Per Inch |
CAE | Common Application Environment. | BPS | Bits Per Second |
CAD | Computer Aided Design | CAI | Computer Aided Instruction |
CAL | Computer Aided Learning | CLR | Common Language Runtime |
CAM | Computer Aided Manufacturing | CMOS | Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor |
CAT | Computer Aided Translation | CNC | Computer Numerical Control |
CAQ | Computer Aided Quality Assurance | COLBOL | Common Business Oriented Language |
CC | C Compiler | COM | Component Object Module |
CPN | Central Processing Node | COMAL | Common Aglarithmic ‘Language |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access | CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CDOT | Centre For D | CSI | Common System Interface |
CDR | Compact Disc Recordable | CSS | Cascading Style Sheets |
CDRom | Compact Disk Read Only Memory | CT | Computerized Tomography |
CDRW | Compact Disk Rewritable | CTCP | Client-To-Client Protocol |
CDR/W | Compact Disk Read/Write | CD | Compact Disk |
COBOL | Common Business Oriented Language | CTS | Clear To Send |
CGA | Colour Graphic Array | CU | Central Unit |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface | CUA | Control User Access |
DAA | Date Access Arrangement | DIVX | Digital Video Access |
DB | Database | DNS | Domain Name System |
DBA | Database Administrator | DOS | Desk Operating System |
DBMS | Database Management System | DPMI | Does Protected Mode Interface. |
DCE | Data Communications Equipment | DRAM | Dynamic Ram |
DDS | Digital Data Storage | DVD RW | DVD Re Writeable. |
DDS | Distributed Data Server | DTP | Desktop Publishing |
DIM | Device Interface Module | DVR | Digital Video Recorder |
DHTML | Dynamic HTML | EIO | Electronic Id Card |
DLC | Data Link Control | EASI | Embedded All-In-One System Interface |
DTR | Date Terminal Ready | ERP | Error Recovery Procedure |
DVD | Digital Versatile Disc | EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EDD | Enhanced Disk Drive | EUC | End-User Computing |
EFF | Electronic Frontier Foundation | FS | File System |
EFI | Extensible Firmware Interface | FSB | Front Side Bus |
EGA | Enhanced Graphics Array | FSF | Free Software Foundation |
FCS | Frame Check Sequence | GDI | Graphical Device Interface |
FDC | Floppy Disk Drive Controller | GIF | Graphics Interchange Format |
FDD | Floppy Disk Drive | GPU | Graphics Processing Unit |
GB | Gigabit | HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
GB | Gigabyte | HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
GDA | Global Document Annotation | HSTP | High-Speed Transport Protocol |
HDA | Had Disk Assembly | IHV | Independent Hardware Vender |
HDD | Hard Disk Drive | IFSMGR | Instable File System Manager |
HDLC | High Level Data Link Control Procedures | IS | Information System |
HHD | Hybrid Hard Drive | ISDN | Integrated Service Digital Network |
HID | Human Interface Device | ISO | International Organization For Standardization |
ICM | Image Colors Management | IVV | Independent Verification And Validation |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol | IM | Instant Messaging |
ICM | Image Compression Manager | I/O | Input/Output |
IE | Internet Explorer | IP | Internet Protocol |
IDT | Internet Development Toolbox | ISP | Internet Service Provider |
IGRP | Interior Gateway Routing Protocol | IT | Information Technology |
JAM | Java Administration Server | ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
J2CE | Jarad Cryptographic Edition | IP SEC | Internet Protocol |
JDS | Java Desktop System | JCP | Java Community Process |
JMX | Java Management Extension | JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group |
KB | Kilobyte | JS | Javascript |
KBPS | Kilobit Per Second | JFC | Java Foundation Classes |
LA | Laboratory Automation | KBPS | Kilo Byte Per Second |
LAN | Local Area Network Key Process Area | KPA | |
LBP | Laser Beam Printer | LBA | Logical Block Display |
LPT | Line Printer | LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
MAC | Media Across Control | LIFO | Last In First Out |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Network | LU | Logical Unit |
MAOS | Multi Application Operating System | MMX | Multi-Media Extension |
MB | Megabit/ Megabyte | MNG | Multiple-Image-Network Graphics |
MBR | Master Boot Record | MPEG | Motion Pictures (Coding) Experts Group |
MIDP | Mobile Information Device Profiles | MMU | Memory Management Unit |
MICR | Magnetic Ink Character Recognition | MMX | Multimedia Extension |
MIDI | Music Instrument Digital Interface | MPM | Multi-Programming Monitor |
MIMO | ‘Multiple-Input Multiple Output’ | MPU | Micro Processor Unit |
MIPS | Million Instructions Per Second | MODEM | Modulator-Demodulator |
NCS | Network Computer System | MUI | Multimedia Use Interface |
NET PC | Network Personal Computer | MVS | Multiple Virtual Storage |
NFS | Network File System | MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions |
NIO | New I/O | NNTP | Network News Transfer Protocol |
OAM | Operation And Maintenance | NPI | Network Provider Interface |
OCR | Optical Character Reader | OMR | Optical Mark Reader |
P2P | Peer-To-Peer | OLAP | On-Line Analytical Processing |
PAN | Personal Area Network | PCP | Printer Control Protocol |
PAP | Password Authentication Protocol | PCT | Private Communication Protocol |
PC | Personal Computer | PDC | Primary Domain Computer |
PIC | Peripheral Interface Controller | POP | Point Of Presence |
PAIH | Public Access Internet Host | POP3 | Post Office Protocol 3 |
QAM | Quadrature Amplitude Modulation | PSM | Printing System Manager |
QFA | Orrick File Access | PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network |
QFP | Quoted For Permanence | PSN | Packet Switching Network |
RAM | Random Access Memory | ROM | Read Only Memory |
RARP | Reverse Address Resolution Protocol | REFAL | Recursive Functions Algorithmic Language |
RLN | Remote Lan Node | REG | Register |
RWM | Read Write Memory | RTL | Register Transfer Language |
SAN | Storage Area Network | SLIP | Serial Line Internet Protocol |
SATA | Serial Ata | SMBIOS | System Management Bios |
SBIN | Super User Binary | SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
SBP-2 | Serial Bus Protocol-2 | SNTP | Simple Network Time Protocol |
SDK | Software Development Kit | SQL | Structure Query Language |
SEO | Search Engine Optimization | SDRAM | Synchronous Dynamic Random Access |
TB | Terabyte | TTF | True Type Font |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol | TTS | Text-To-Speech |
TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access | TTY | Teletype |
UI | User Interface | URL | Uniform Resource Locater |
VB | Visual Basic | USB | Uniform Serial Bus |
VBA | Visual Basic For Application | VM | Virtual Memory |
VBS | Visual Basic Script | VMS | Video Memory System |
VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network | VPN | Virtual Private Network |
VGA | Video Graphic Array | VSAM | Virtual Storage Access Method |
VGCT | Video Graphics Character Table | VT | Video Terminal |
WAN | Wide Area Network | WWW | World Wide Web |
WAP | Wireless Application Protocol | WOL | Wake On Line |
WINFS | Window Future Storage` | WSDL | Web Services Description Language |
WMP | Windows Media Player | WGS | Work Group System |
.ZIP | Compressed File | XUL | Xml User Interface Language |
ZIP | Tone Information Protocol | YTD | It Is Used For Year To Date |
ZSL | Zero Shot Lan | ZISC | Zone Construction Set Computer |
Computer Terminologies
Access Time | Across time means the performance of a hard drive or other storage device how long it takes to locate a file. |
Active Program or window | St means application or window running on the monitor. |
Alert | A message that appears onscreen, usually to tell you Something went wrong. |
Application | Application is another term for software program; basically A program you use on a computer like word, Turbo tax, Outlook, etc. |
Background | Part of the multitasking capabilityL program can own and perform tasks in the background while another program is being used in the foreground. |
Bandwidth | Bandwidth measurement the data transmission speed from one computer to another. |
Bit | The smallest piece of information used by computer. It used to drive from “binary digit”. |
BIOS | Basic input/output system. This term is used to refer to ROM BIOS chip inside the computer which manages the computer boot up process. |
Backup | A copy of a document/file makes for documentatation purposes for future use. |
Boot | To start up a computer. |
Bootstrap Loader | Bootstrap loader is a program that manages a computer boot up process. |
Bug | It is a programming error that causes a program to behave in an unexpected way. |
Bus | Bus is an electronic pathway through which data is transmitted between components in a computer. |
Burn | It is a process CD or DVD means to write data files to it using a special piece of hardware. |
Clipboard | A portion of memory where the temporarily stores information, it is called a copy buffer because it is used to hold information for example if we cut any text for paste in MS word we find that the cut text temporarily stores in clipboard. |
Command | The act of giving an instruction to your Mac either by menu choice or keystroke. |
Compiler | A program the converts programming code into a form that can be used by a computer. |
Control Panel | A program that allows you to change setting in a program or change the way a Mac looks and/or behaves. |
CMOS | A type of computer chip which is able to operate with a very small amout odf electricity from a battery. |
CPU | Central Processing Unit, the processor “brain” of the computer. The CPU is the place where all the computer calculations take place. |
Cursor | A pointer, which is controlled by the mouse. |
Database | It is an electronic list of information that can be sorted and/or searched. |
Digitize | To convert linear/analog data into digital data this can be used by the computer |
Disk Drive | The machinery that writes the data from a disk and/or writes data to a disk. |
DSL | Digital subscriber Line is type of high speed data compression which runs over telephone lines. |
Ethernet | It is a protocol for high-speed communication and file transfer across a network. |
Expansion Slot | It is a connector inside the computer which allows one to plug in a printed circuit board to provide new or enhanced features. |
Floppy | A 3.5, 5.25 and 8 inch square disk which holds data |
Folder | An electronic subdirectory which contains files. |
Hard-drive | Hard drives is a central storage space for your computer which defines as C/D/E drive. |
Highlight | To select by clicking once on an icon/file/folder/text document. To highlighted word double click and for paragraph triple click is required. |
Icon | It is graphic symbol used for file or folder. |
Insertion Point | In word processing/presentation document, the blinking indication which indicates where you’re next typing will begin. You can insert any word on that point. |
Installer | Installer is software used to install a program on your hard drive. |
IP address | IP means Internet Protocol address are assigned to each and every computer on a TCP/IP network. |
ISP | (Internet Service Provider) |
Keyboard shortcuts | It is combination of keystrokes that performs some function. |
Landscape | It is a printing from under page layout; it used to print sideways on the page |
Menu | A list of program commands listed by topic. |
Menu Bar | A horizontal bar across the top of the screen. |
Mother Board | The green board inside of a computer that allows all of the internal computer components to interact, it routes data to and from all the ot her parts, of computer |
NIC | Network Interface Card. This is a part of the computer that allows it to talk to other computers (aka, a network) via a network “protocol” or language like TCP/IP. |
Optical Disk | A high-capacity storage medium that is read by a laser light |
Operation System | It is system software that controls the computer. The operating systems are Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, Unix, and Apple’s Mac OS X Leopard. |
Peripherals | An add-on components to your computer like printers, mice, keyboards, scanners, monitor, etc. |
Processor chip | This is the brain of the computer which does all the calculations and task processing for example “Intel” chip or the “Xeon” chip. |
RAM | Random Access Memory. It is the memory that allows you to hold and run a program |
Reset switch | It is a switch used to restarts the computer. |
ROM | Read only Memory that can be accessed and read, but not written to. |
Routine | A series of instructions written to complete a specific but limited computing task. |
Scroll Bar | A bar at the bottom contains the scroll box and allows scrolling. |
Server | A machine dedicated to sending and receiving data from other computers (on a network). |
Software | Software is files that contain instructions for a computer. |
TCP/ IP | Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol on which the internet run . |
Title Bar | The horizontal bar at the top of a window which represent the name of file/folder. |
Upload | It is used to send a file from one computer to another through a network. |
Virtual Memory | Using part of your hard drive as through it were “RAM”. |