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Learn Math Logarithm

Learn Math Logarithm

Learn Math Logarithm
Learn Math Logarithm

Introduction to Logarithm : 

Logarithm is considered the inverse operation to the exponentiation. In general it means that the logarithm of a number is actually the exponent to which yet another fixed value, base, should be raised to produce that particular number. In another words in simple cases logarithm counts the repeated multiplication.

Learn Math Logarithm is a unique attempt of Mr. Amit M. Agarwal to teach Math Logarithm in way. Actually The word Logarithm is been derived from the Greek words logos and Arithmus, which means ration and number. Maths Logarithms was actually devised by the Genius Scottish Mathematician John Napier. In these Hand written Notes of Mr. Amit M. Agarawl who is Nationally Acclaimed author of Mathematics for Arihant Publications.

Points to be disused for Maths Logarithm

In these notes he tried to explain Logarithm Rules, Common Logarithm, Logarithm Properties, Logarithm Definition, Logarithmic Form, Natural logarithms, Laws of Logarithms, Exponential Form, Law of Exponent, Law of Change of Base i.e. a complete tutorial of Maths Logarithm. At the end of these Learn Maths Logarithm Notes you will also find Logarithm Solved Examples, with some Solved Objective Questions, Characteristic and Mantissa, Rules for Significant Digit, Introduction to Anti Logarithm, Several Method to determine antilogarithm, Antilogarithm Finding from Anti Logarithmic Table, Using Maths Logarithm. Here we go : These Quality Study Material, Theory Notes, Solved Exercise and Fully Solved Practice Papers are very useful for CBSE Class 11 and Class 12 students as well as the students who are preparint for IIT JEE Mains or IIT JEE Advance. These Learn Logarithm Assignments also based on Latest Syllabus for CBSE Class 11 and Class 12 Students for CBSE Board and ICSE Board Students. 

Maths Logarithms Tutorial Page 1

Learn Math Logarithm
Learn Math Logarithm