DOEACC NIELIT O Level A1 R4 July 2010 Part One Question Answer Sample Model Paper Solutions
DOEACC NIELIT O Level A1 R4 July 2010 Part One Question Answer Sample Model Paper Solutions. O Level Previous Year Question With Answer Solutions July 2010.
SOLUTIONS JULY 2010 (O Level M 1 R4 Part One Previous Year Question Answer With Solutions
Ans. 1.
1.1 1 (B) ROM is non volatile read only memory where data resides premanently.
1.2 (C) MIDI means Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
1.3 CORRECT ANS NOT GIVEN: Read only permission in Linux is represented by 4. If 444 is used then it means read only for owner, read only for group and read only for others. However, 4 is not given in the answers.
777 – Read, Write, Execute for owner, group and others
111 – Execute, Execute, Execute for owner, group and others
666 – Read & Write, Read & Write, Read & Write for owner, group and others
222 – Write, Write, Write for owner, group and others
1.4 (D) Doc is file extension for word documents up to MS – Office 2003.
1.5 (B) A compiler translates a program Written in high level language into machine code. It
1.6 (A) Physical data model is the lowest data model where the emphasis is given to the physical storage of data.
1.7 (B) In relational databases separate tables are created with related data.
1.8 (A) In file management systems, typically data is accessed from one file at a time.
1..9 (C) Type command lets you see the contents of a file in DOS.
- 10(A) A joystick is the most suitable input device to play games on play station
TRUE / FALSE (O Level July 2018 Previous year 2010 Solutions)
Ans. 2
2.1 (T) Reading from left to right 1001 is 9,0010 is 2 and 1011 is 11 (eleyen) i.e, B in hexadecimal.
2.1 (T) Sequential file access is suitable for the files with low activity and when data is needed to be processed in sequential order.
2.3 (T) In relational table at least one value of any one field must be unique.
2.4 (T) Autoexec.bat file is a batch file and executes automatically, hence it can be used to tell the computer to search for the locations of executable files in first instance.
2.5 (T) By default background of any word document is white in color, however, it an be changed.
2.6 (F) When save as web page option is used in power point, the presentation is saved with .htm extension and all the supporting materials are saved in separate folder.
2.7 (T) To add a chart to a slide, click on Insert Chart button to get a datasheet. The datasheet consists of a sample data which can be deleted
2.8 (T) In absolute referencing. The address of the cell in formula remains same even if you copy the data in other cells.
2.9 (F) Data modeling is a method used to define and analyze data requirements needed to support the business processes of an organization.
2.10 (F) Inkjet printer is a non – impact printer.
MACING THE COLUMNS (O Level Question Answer With Solutions)
Ans. 3
3.1 (J) Foreign key is used to impose referential integrity in RDBMS
3.2 (A) GNU GRUB (short for GNU GR and Unified Boot loader) is boot loader package from the GNU Project.
3.3 (L) The chmod command (abbreviated from change mode) is a shell command and C language function in Unix and Unix-like environments. When executed, it can change file system modes of files and directories.
3.4 (K) Digital signatures are method for encryption and authentication.
3.5 (B) Joystick is an input device.
3.6 (D) It is American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
3.7 (C) Ruler is used in MS – Word for page formatting.
3.8 (I) Pie is a chart type.
3.9 (H) Inkjet is a type of printer.
(3.10 ((E) Access is a relational database.
Ans. 4
4.1 (A) ASCII
4.2 (T) Serial
4.3 (B) Font
4.4 (K) Table
4.5 (R) Disk Cleanup
4.6 (I) Slide
4.7 (G) Autosum
4.8 (J) Auto Format
4.9 (C) Folder
- 10 (S) OMR
DOEACC NIELIT O Level A1 R4 July 2010 Part One Question Answer Sample Model Paper
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