Maxen Computer Education

REET Sample Question Answers Model Paper for English

81. How many scenes are there in Hardy’s ”The Dynasts”?

  1. 29
  2. 70
  3. 109
  4. 130

82. Perspective grammar is also known as

  1. Formal Grammar
  2. Traditional Grammar
  3. Classical grammar
  4. All of these

83. In this method, examples are first given and rules are inferred later

  1. Deductive
  2. Inductive
  3. Traditional
  4. All of these

84. Two words having identical sound and spelling, but not related in meaning is known as

  1. homophone
  2. homonymy
  3. homograph
  4. polysemy

85. Words having affirmative and negative distributions are called

  1. content words
  2. structural words
  3. grammatically
  4. substitute words

86. Language laboratory is the place where the lerners have to listen on headphone. The language labsare set up with a view to provide listening activities in order to make them developing good

  1. analysis habit
  2. speech habit
  3. criticizing habit
  4. listening habit

87. identify the characteristics of various types of instructional material used in the class room instruction.

(a) Audio Visual Aids as Motivator

(b) Supplement Oral Teaching

(c) Save Time and Energy

(d) Provide direct Experience

  1. A,B and C
  2. A and B
  3. B and C
  4. All of these

88. Who used the term ‘biography’ for the first time ?

  1. W.E. William
  2. Coleridge
  3. Dryden
  4. Johnson

89.What does teaching of prose include ?

  1. Novel
  2. Composition
  3. Story
  4. All of these

90. Which of the following is/are productive skill/skills?

  1. Speaking
  2. Writing
  3. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
  4. None of these

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